Wednesday, September 8, 2010

As Told By GInger

As Told By Ginger happens to be one of My favorite shows of all time. Not only was that show good, but it had a lot of morals just like Hey Arnold. Plus the characters seem to grow up and change wardrobes most of the time, which is what I like about the show. Once you watch As Told By Ginger, your life will change for the best.
 Ginger is the series main antagonist and one of my favorite characters on the show. Ginger likes to write in her journal and also likes to fit in  at Lucky Junior High. Ginger at first was listed as being a geek and a nerd, but after she befriends Dodie and Macie and after Courtney takes an interest in Ginger, her whole world changes. Ginger often goes to her mom on advice and looks up to her mom in a lot of ways. Her favorite flowers are sunflowers and likes drinking hot chocolate a lot. She had a crush on a lot of guys. The list of guys she had a crush on are: Ian Richton, a jock and a good friend of Darren Patterson who is very popular and who Ginger had a huge crush on until Ian took advantage of her during a science project scene. She also had a crush on Joaquin who was new to the school and seemed to Like Ginger back until Dodie ruined it all for them ( I CANT STAND DODIE BISHOP). After that, Joaquin pretty much disappears. During Summer camp, Ginger also had a huge crush on Sasha, who was working at the camp grounds with horses and seemed to like Ginger back. But the crush ended when Ginger went to Sasha's school and sees Sasha with another girl, indicating that Sasha has a girlfriend. She eventually moves on from Sasha and soon starts dating Darren Patterson, who began having feelings for Ginger and shared a kiss with her while ginger went away to a writing school. Darren later dumps Ginger after cheating on her with Simone. Ginger later dates Orion and moves on from Darren. In the Wedding Frame Episode, it shows Ginger wearing a wedding ring while also being with Darren, indicating that the two are married to each other, especially when Darren picks up a baby that looks just like Ginger. Ginger is voiced by Melissa Disney, who is the granddaughter of Walt Disney.

Dodie Bishop is Ginger's Best Friend and second main character on the show. She's known for always being a total bitch to just about everyone, most especially Ginger, and is always trying to impress Courtney Gripling, who is the most popular girl at Lucky Junior High and also the richest too. Hardly anyone likes Dodie and I don't blame them. Dodie is such an annoying bitch and I don't know why Ginger is ever friends with her. But there are times when Dodie does do good things, mainly after high school, when Dodie catches Darren cheating on Ginger with Simone, a girl who Dodie later befriended. Which is kinda surprising considering how much I can't stand Dodie. But I gotta give Dodie credit for at least coming to her senses when everyone tells her just how much of a bitch she is and for despite being a total suck up, is very loyal to her friends and will look out for them and stand up for them no matter what. But I still can't stand Dodie though.

Macie Lightfoot is Ginger's Best Friend as well as Dodie's who is known for being total allergic to just about everything and acting kind of immature even though it's due to parents being totally ignorant of her and always being so busy and etc. It seems that Dodie is the oldest out of the girls, with her birthday being April 22, which is the same birthday as the equally popular and snobby friend of Courtney and Miranda's  named Mipsi, who's father is the principal and is also on the rich side.

 Macie's also known for being totally cool and being loyal and supportive to both of her friends, especially Dodie. Macie mostly gives advice to Ginger when needed, and is known for being afraid of heights and violence and etc. Still, despite that, Macie seems to be well liked by fans and even has a boy crushing on her named Hoodsie, who surprisingly is related to the ever bitchy Dodie Bishop.

Carl Foutley is Ginger's younger brother and is the male protagonist of the show. Carl is known for always coming up with disasterly and devious schemes, as well as when not snubbed, coming up with some good ideas and being there for his family when need too. He has a deep hate for his father, due to the father leaving the kids shortly after Carl was Born.He deeply cares about his family and friends and is willing to do anything for them, even going as far as to get his teacher to come back after causing his teacher to retire due to his devious schemes. Sadly though, the teacher passed and it shows Carl crying openly for the first time. Carl is in love with a girl named Noelle, who at first didn't really like until later on, when he thought one of his experiments caused her to literally disappear, but it turns out she moved away to a nearby town. They later go out until Noelle thinks that Carl was into another girl. After that they broke up, only to get back together again after the series finale. It later shows Carl all grown up and being an executive producer and living the high life.

Carl is definitely popular with the fans, and is kinda cute for a 9 year old.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Favorite Show of All Time: Hey Arnold

come on. you know you all love Hey Arnold.
who could ever forget Arnold Shortman, Gerald Joehannsen, and Helga G. Pataki. Most Importantly Helga. Don't you just love Arnolds grandparents, cool and feminist/activist/crazy Grandma Gertie, ever adviceful but loony Grandpa Phil, and Arnold, the ever nice, ever calm, ever patient lad who has a cool and smokin bachelor pad.

Lets not forget Gerald, who is the most popular kid around the block and at school, who likes disco fever, being cool, hanging around his best friend Arnold, getting the girls, giving Arnold advice, and getting away from his family. His mom is nice, dad complains of electric bills or anything else that is too high, the sister Timberly is quite crazy and stalks the guy she likes by following around them and acting real clingy and whatever.The brother acts like a real Macho jerk, but can actually be nice at times, when he wants to be.

Helga is the one we should feel sorry for. Her family life is definitely dysfunctional and actually kinda reminds me of my family life. The dad, Big Bob, acts like a real jerk all the time and would rather care about selling his beepers or anything, than paying attention to his daughters. And he can be impatient and competitive too which is another big no no. Miriam the mom is a complete and total alcoholic who drinks herself away and makes"smoothies"(probably boozes or margaritas),rather than focus on what her daughters are doing. And Olga acts like an annoying, goody goody two shoes of an older daughter, who the parents love and adore and would always want her to perform things than pay attention to Olga. This causes Helga to be quite the outcast of the family and would often be in her sister's shadow and etc. This also leads to Helga basically becoming a bully, a boss, and nemesis around the playground. And Pheobe and Arnold would be the only one to sympathize, maybe even understand how hard it is living the life she has.

What Helga loves is bullying and bossing others around, mainly Arnold. She has a deep obsession of Arnold and would often worship him, or write love poems of Arnold. There are times when she actually is nice, to Arnold or anyone. Besides Helga can't help it if she's mean. That's just the way she is.

Pheobe Heyerdahl is helga's best friend and the smartest girl in the third grade. It seems that Pheobe is mixed, as her father is Japanese, while her mother is American and also has a southern accent( It is mentioned that her mother is from Kentucky so that explains why she has a southern accent.) I think Pheobe may also be wealthy as well as smart, since she has a sauna room as well as a indoor gym (where in one episode Pheobe is shown playing crochet with her father.). Because Pheobe is so smart, Pheobe was offered a chance to skip to the 6th grade, which she did, but after some 6th grade girls took advantage of Pheobe and later dissed her for a new 3rd grade transfer student, who was also offered to skip to the 6th grade like Pheobe, Pheobe comes back to the 4th grade and is friends with Helga again, who tried to replace Pheobe while Pheobe was temporarily in the 6th grade, but to no such luck. Pheobe is often the one to get easily taken advantage of, as shown in the episode where Pheobe becomes hall monitor after Helga retires. Pheobe is often being yelled at and abused by Helga, but doesn't mind being Helga's pal/servant.  Pheobe is also the only one, other than Arnold, to completely understand what Helga's family life is like, and what she's going through too. Pheobe has a huge crush on Gerald, who in turn feels the same way about her, and they're sometimes shown together too. 

Harold Berman is the neighborhood bully, but also Arnold and the gang's friend, who likes to eat, pick on others less cool and geeky, and who hates girls but yet acts nice to them too. It was shown in most episodes that Rhonda may have a thing for Herald, but I don't know if Harold feels the same way about Rhonda. Harold is also good friends with Big Patty, and may have some crush on Big Patty, to which Big Patty may feel the same way(aww don't they make a cute couple). Harold's family is Jewish, as shown in the episode where Harold celebrates his Bar Mitzvah, which is a big celebration for 13 year olds to enter into adulthood. Harold is often a moron, but there are times when he shows signs of intelligence as well as understanding. The same can be when he acts like a jerk too. For sometimes he shows signs of compassion and loving kindness, when he found an abandonned cat, as well as when it comes to talking about his problems to Arnold too.

Rhonda Lloyd is the rich, spoiled one in the group. She also likes to be the queen of fashion, and often acts like she's all that and etc. She often gets into it with Helga due to Helga's lack of fashion sense and Helga's strong resistence and hatred for Rhonda. There are times when Helga and Rhonda do get along, such as the time when Lila was new and was a threat to every one of the girls at school, and the girls tried to plan a revenge on Lila. Another time was when Helga and Rhonda both want Arnold to make sure he hires the right band for the school dance also. Rhonda at one time had to go to behavior school due to being in a fight with Big Patty after Big Patty ruins one of Rhonda's shoes. But the girls soon develop a close friendship and remain friends throughout the series. Rhonda also appears to be blind, as one episode shows Rhonda having to wear glasses due to poor vision. Rhonda is not very well liked, as she lost to Gerald in class president elections and has since carried a grudge to Gerald due to that. The grudge continues when Gerald was shockingly put on Rhonda's geek list due to that. Rhonda's best friend is Nadine, who likes to collect bugs, and Rhonda also seems to list Arnold as her best friend also, as she often turn to Arnold for advice and help, even as far as putting him on the cool list once. Rhonda becomes poor in one episode due to financial reasons, and boards at Arnold's house, but She later becomes rich again. Rhonda's favorite pet is parrots and has a pet parrot due to that. 

Sid is one of Arnold's friends as well as Gerald's who is known for his big nose that always hangs down through his cap as well as always passing down legendary stories to Gerald. I believe him and Rhonda like each other as I always see them together. Plus they claim they despise each other, but I think deep down they really like each other as I always see them together. I think I may be a fan of the Rhonda/Sid pairing simply cause I always see them together and they look so cute together too. Sid has a kind of psychotic stage just like Curly, only Sid is on the popular side. He also seems to be very afraid of Helga, and is good friends with Harold and Stinky. Him and Stinky are best friends, even though one time Sid thought Stinky was a vampire, which turns out quite true in the end. Sid also has a pet frog and has a love for science and swamp land. Sid is a big fan of Rudolph Valentino.

Lila is Arnold's current love interest and Helga's rival for Arnold's affections. Lila comes from a poor farm country and is very popular at school. She also seems to be on Rhonda's good side as Rhonda often approves of Lila's fashions and good behavior. She at one point, did like Arnold, but Arnold didnt develop any feelings towards her until after he dumps her. He later regrets it and tries to go back out with her, only for Lila to hurt his feelings and eventually just remain friends with Arnold. This causes for Arnold to constantly pursue her, and Lila once again dump him and just stay friends with him. This gives Helga many chances to go after Arnold, but to no results. This also causes a love triangle with Arnold/Helga/Lila. There is also a lot of Anti Lila fans too, mainly cause of the way she treats Arnold, and also cause of the way she keeps Arnold from ever having a chance with Helga. I like Lila, even though im totally a fan of Arnold/Helga, simply because theyre so perfect for each other. Sorry to all Lila/Arnold fans out there, though i doubt there's that many.

Ruth was Arnold's first love interest who was shown during the early seasons of Hey Arnold. Arnold has a huge crush on Ruth, but Ruth hardly knows that Arnold doesnt exist and is quite shown with Sid or other 6th graders like Connie and Maria. Arnold's crush on Ruth ended when Arnold invited Ruth to go on a Valentine's day dinner with him while also waiting for his pen pal to arrive to go on a date with her. It ended when Arnold realizes how snobby and boring Ruth sounded as well as seeing Ruth going out with a waiter at the resturant too. That was also the episode where Arnold and Helga go on their first real date, even though Arnold didnt realize that was Helga in disguise. Ruth was last shown in the episode " What's Opera Arnold". After that we see no more of Ruth Mcdougal.

Eugene is known as the class jinx of the school and often the most feared and picked on, next to Curly and Brainy. Despite being the class jinx and being clumsy and a goof, Eugene has a good heart and always look on the bright side of things, just like Arnold. He and Arnold have been friends since kindergarden when Arnold would often look out for Eugene.  He has a crush on Sheena, who in turn has the same feelings for him. He is often shown with Sheena or Brainy.
Curly is the class psychopath of the school and most crazy of the whole gang. Arnold and his friends are afraid of Curly, but respects him and often reach out to Curly. Curly is a lover of freedom and animal rights, has a rich uncle who works in a fur coat factory, and takes ballet classes from time to time.  Curly also has a love of opera and has a good singing voice. He's also a good dancer too. He had somewhat of a crush on Helga. Now he has a thing for Rhonda. He also has a grudge against Eugene for ruining his lucky pencil and caused the whole set up at school. I like Curly. He seems like a normal, yet crazy kid to me. plus he's cute. and do look perfect for Rhonda though. just saying.
Brainy can be shown throughtout the episodes basically breathing, talking in a stuffed, soft spoken, raspy voice. and basically Breathing through Helga's neck. THIS results in Helga often punching him in the face or sometimes throwing him off somewhere. He has a huge crush on Helga, which causes Helga to deeply hate him too.  Brainy is often shown with Sheena and Eugene.
Stinky is one of Harold's best friends as well as Sid. He is from Arkansas and grew up in a farm. His house looks like a farmhouse, with the front yard looking like a crop land. He knows how to bake cookies fromn scratch and also makes homemade lemonade. his catchphrase is "this really bites." He sometimes give Arnold advice and often helps Arnold and the gang out. Stinky haD a crush on Helga until he realized that she was into Arnold. He later went out with Gloria. After that he remains single for the rest of his life. Sid is also a vampire and has a coffin like bed. Sid loves lemon pudding.
Sheena is the tallest in Helga's group and also the oldest. Sheena also likes animal rights and peace, and hates violence and the sight of blood. She has an aunt who works as the nurse at the school, and a uncle who drives a ferry boat too. Sheena has a crush on Eugene, who in turn returns the same thing for her. They are often shown together along with Curly and Brainy.

Nadine is Rhonda's best friend and partner who sometimes assist Rhonda and collects bugs. She loves nature and science and seems to have a thing for Arnold and Gerald too and was shocked when Rhonda put Gerald on the geek list due to a grudge she carried against Gerald ever since he won as class president( he ran against her.) She sometimes hangs out with Pheobe too.